The thought of having a more peaceful world might seem like an unattainable goal for most people, but it is only unattainable if people do nothing. Lao-tse, a 6th century BC Chinese philosopher, reputedly thought to be the founder of Taoism, once said, “If there is to be peace in the world, All any of us really has control over is ourselves. If each person works to maintain their own inner peace then having a more peaceful world will take care of itself. Most people think of world peace as having peace everywhere at once, all at the same time and this seems impossible. But what if your definition of world peace was more manageable? What if world peace meant your "world? Your "world" is the people you come in contact with on a daily basis; your family, friends, and co-workers. That might seem a little more manageable than thinking about having peace with the entire world. When you create inner peace for yourself you are becoming a part of having a more peaceful world. The following thought, Make a difference in the world by making a difference in yourself... Make a difference in yourself by making a difference in the world... really says a lot about how you can become part of creating a more peaceful world. When you take on the responsibility of maintaining your own inner peace, you are making a difference in creating a more peaceful world. When you take on the responsibility of helping to create a more peaceful world, you will be making a difference in yourself. When enough "Your Worlds" take on the responsibility for maintaining their own inner peace, they will have made a difference in the world as a whole. The question becomes, are you willing to take on your part for a more peaceful world? Are you willing to take on the responsibility to let go of your own resentments, prejudices, intolerances, and anger, and become a link in the chain of world peace? Taking on this responsibility doesn't mean that you won't sometimes forget or let your own inner peace fade away, but it does mean that when you do, you will recommit to your intention of peace. It all gets down to a choice for each individual person. Yes or No Our vision for the world is that everyone chooses YES! |